
Posts Tagged ‘skip’

A Winner is GiFTPiA

06/22/2010 1 comment


Kirameki’s next (or second, concurrent) translation effort is the sublime, Skip-powered, GiFTPiA:

Script translation, contains the main dialogues, npcs and items.
Raw translation [8%]
English editing [0%]

Personally, I was pulling for Goemon DS, but I’m certainly not looking a (cough) gift horse in the mouth with this one:

Captain Rainbow Translation Watch Vol. 2

06/14/2010 Leave a comment


The second in a series of almost content-free updates on the status of the Captain Rainbow English and Italian translation:

As of May 10th, 2010:

Translated text eng/ita [34%]
English Editing [9%]
Italian Editing [15%]
Hacking [ND%]
Beta test [0%]

As of June 13, 2010:

Translated text eng/ita [43%]
English Editing [9%]
Italian Editing [22%]
Hacking [ND%]
Beta test [0%]

So we got about 10% more translated in about a month–not too shabby.

For more info on Captain Rainbow, be sure to visit Lovedelic Life and keep checking back here for regular updates. (Or sub via RSS, Twitter, or Facebook!)

Captain Rainbow Translation Watch

05/10/2010 Leave a comment

Steady as she he it goes

The first in a series of almost content-free updates on the status of the Captain Rainbow English and Italian translation:

As of May 5th, 2010:

Translated text eng/ita [24%]
English Editing [9%]
Italian Editing [15%]
Hacking [ND%]
Beta test [0%]

As of May 10th, 2010:

Translated text eng/ita [34%]
English Editing [9%]
Italian Editing [15%]
Hacking [ND%]
Beta test [0%]

For more info on Captain Rainbow, be sure to visit Lovedelic Life and keep checking back here for regular updates. (Or sub via RSS, Twitter, or Facebook!)

Captain Rainbow Gets Anglicized

05/05/2010 4 comments

The game is, err, fabulous, even in Japanese

I find it odd that nobody’s really mentioned this anywhere outside of the translator’s site1, but to spur interest and harangues to make them work faster, I thought I’d mention that Kirameki is working on a Captain Rainbow translation (in English and Italian) so a lot more people can take advantage of partake of make the acquaintance of ambiguously-sexed Birdo:

A mix between Captain Falcon, Yatterman and hallucinatory mushroom’s effects, it’s him, the fabulous Captain Rainbow!

Obviously from the ingenious minds of Skip, the creators of funny dream games like Chibi Robo and Giftpia, stuff for true cognoscenti.

Like in every other game by Skip, the main topic is others’ happiness. The main character is able to transform into a superhero by means of a special belt, but being outdated makes him sail for a mythical isle where dreams come true. In the beginning his only purpose is to regain his old fame, but with the time passing and getting acquainted with the isle’s inhabitants, he will forget his regrets and will realize that the only important thing to be a great hero is not the fame, but helping others with a pure heart.

Current status:

Translated text eng/ita [24%]
English Editing [9%]
Italian Editing [15%]
Hacking [ND%]
Beta test [0%]

This all sounds super, if a bit off in the distance, so start harassing Kirameki to make it rain so we can, err, frolic in the rainbow-goodness.

(Also be aware: this will be a real-time patch so you will need a hacked Wii and a copy of the original game to play it when it is done.)

(Also 2: vote for Ganbare Goemon in the poll, damn you!)

Video for the bi(rdo)-curious:

1 I’m looking at you Tiny Cartridge and Love-de-Lic Life…hell, even the Wiki page makes no mention of it.