
Posts Tagged ‘idiot’

Exhibit Z As to Why “WiiHD” Was Never a Serious Idea to Serious People

05/11/2010 1 comment

I wouldn’t buy a used car market analysis from this man

Edge highlights these charts from Nintendo’s recent financial briefing, and it paints a rather robust picture for Nintendo even as their profits slid:

11 Nintendo Games; 5 Sony Games; 0 Microsoft Games

Got that? Nintendo accounted for half the top ten in the 1st quarter and nearly half the top 30 (when taking into account games on their platforms) in the first quarter, which probably help explains, at least in part, their recent 2.2 billion dollar profit, even if it is down from a record high.1

9 Nintendo Games; 2 Sony Games; 0 Microsoft Games

I anxiously await Pachter’s cries of “bring on the PS4 and 720 because MS and Sony are doomed–DOOMED!–if they don’t get them out by June!” in light of these disturbing revelations.


Some have inquired about Japan, but as I don’t have those charts2 handy, I can’t comment. (But I can tell you that it is, in all likelihood, even more lopsided in Nintendo’s favor due to a Wii userbase that is approximately double the PS3 and eight times that of the 360. Meanwhile, the DS is double the PSP which is actually a better ratio than it is in other territories.)

1 To ‘only’, iirc, 3rd highest ever. (Including the glory days of the NES which, realistically, is now the Wii/DS era–pretty amazing considering the competition is far, far more fierce than then.)
2 Nintendo didn’t even cite them in their report, oddly enough.